Alternity Megatron (Silver) Review

Posted in Alternity, megatron, review, Toy Reviews, Transformers on July 2nd, 2010 by VitaminZinc

So, next on my list on things to finally get the reviews out for is Alternity Megatron. Of course, like everything in this line, it’s all cars. Seeing good ol’ Megs as a car is weird (about as weird as seeing Prime as a car) but it works. Just like all the other figures in this line, it’s a car. Everything’s a car! Arrrgh! Nah, but seriously, it works well enough. I had to get the silver version because it wouldn’t make sense to have a different colored Megatron. For as dumb as it sounds, I have to have them in similar colors to their respective G1 colors. A black Megatron wouldn’t work for me. Just like a Silver Prime doesn’t work (But a white one’s ok! Ultra Magnus! Not racist or anything…)

The box is the standard Alternity packaging. It’s clear plastic with the information printed on the box. The cool thing about this is that you can open it and transform it, then put it back in the box and pretend like it was never opened (aside from the broken tape at the tab). It’s much better than the Alternator boxing since it’s easier to put it back in. It kind of worked with Alternators until they made that horrible domed bubble packaging. So yeah, Alternity boxing is much better.

As far as the figure is concerned, it’s a decent representation of the character. I’m not entirely convinced of certain aspects of it, but I can overlook it, I guess. This figure in particular HAD to be silver for me to get it. It only looks JUST enough like Megatron to pass as him. And then, as you can see, he comes with swords. Seems a bit odd for him to have swords, but again–I guess I can look over that. They go underneath him as exhaust pipes.

Just as all the other Alternity figures, he’s highly poseable. His transformation is a bit tricky, and can lead to some very confusing moments until you really understand what you’re supposed to do. The bad thing about Alternity figures is that they have to be transformed a certain way. There is no deviation on this–or if there is, it’s very little. I do like how complex the transformations are, though. I kind of enjoy the idea of just going at it and trying to figure it out on my own, but then again, it’s never quite that easy with something as complex as these.

So, can I recommend this figure? Well, I mean, if you’re really into Megatron, or if you just have to catch ’em all (that’s my problem), then sure. Pick it up. Of course, if you have to have it because it’s part of the collection, then you didn’t need to read this at all–you’ve already bought it…


  • Complex transformation
  • Die Cast pieces.


  • Pricey for how big it is. ($50)
  • It’s a car and it’s Megatron…? Didn’t really work for me.